Thursday 22 November 2007

Yep, Oprah is out of it

I know Oprah is mega rich, but come on, she grew up poor and should have a good idea of what is affordable. But celebrity seems to blind her to the simple fact that most people can't (and won't) pay $300 for an ugly blouse and trouser set (hell, I wouldn't pay that much for a beautiful blouse and trouser outfit, but I'm a bargain shopper), about $3,800 for a refrigerator with an HDTV in the door, or $42 for a set of three bars of soap. Remember, if you're translating into UK prices, these are all items in the U.S. and should typically cost about half of what you'd think of spending for similar luxury items in the UK, but they don't!

These are just a few items from the holiday list of Oprah's Favorite Things. This list appears monthly in Oprah Magazine and I assume also online. Now, I would imagine I'm in the typical middle-class income range of her typical reader (though I'm not a regular reader, but I have bought her magazine a couple of times in the States). She's probably got a lot of readers who have much lower incomes, and some who make much more. But I would guess my income fits the demographic of the target audience her magazine shoots for. But from the products she recommends, one would think her readers were all in the income bracket that has summer homes in the Hamptons and a ski chalet tucked away somewhere. I've seen her suggest candles that cost $40-$50. For one candle. The kind that if I were going to splurge and get as a luxury item, I'd go somewhere and get one of similar size and lovely fragrance for $10. Maybe as much as $20 if it were a gift. I just couldn't fathom spending more than that on a candle. But Oprah could, and thinks you should, too! Get real girl, we don't all have mad Oprah cash!

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